
We know that your privacy and security while shopping online is very important. Below, please find the top privacy and security-related questions and answers. For our full policy, please see our “Terms of Use”.

What do you do with the information that you collect from me when I purchase a product?

All sales information is kept confidential and is used only for reporting purposes at lanua.com and affiliated/partnered sites. We DO NOT sell or distribute this information in any form to 3rd parties.

Why do you need my email address?

Your email address is used only to communicate with you directly and efficiently. It will be used to let you know that your order has been processed, your product(s) have been shipped, and about updates to our product lines or web site. You can remove yourself from the email list at any time, simply contact us.

What about cookies?

Cookies are a method used to track a customer through their sales process for statistical and shopping cart purposes. We use this information to help us provide you with a better shopping experience; it is never shared with any 3rd parties.

How do you make sure my credit card information is secure?

We use SSL (Secured Socket Layer) which encrypts the information that you input. This is the same level of protection used by the banks and financial institutions to ensure that your bank account information can be viewed online.

How do you keep my information discreet on my credit card statement and during shipping?

We use plain, unbranded boxes or padded envelopes to protect your discretion. Your credit card statement will show La Nua/La Nua LLC.

Who we share your data with

Suggested text: If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at info@lanua.com.

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